In a hotel room at the Central Jakarta area were two towers (BTS), each accompanied by an antenna that is not too high. BTS was not even as high as we imagine. Height of three feet, while the antenna nan slender tower about 2 meters. Second NSN Flexi base stations (Nokia Siemens Networks) is a distance of approximately three meters.
A laptop comes in between the BTS and the antenna. Stuck on the wall behind the desk the laptop of an aircraft depends HDTV. All views on the laptop to HDTV is projected onto it. O yes, the laptop's USB port dongle is attached a Samsung logo. That dongle Samsung LTE. "The price is very expensive," said Nils Kleeman (Head of Mobile Broadband Sales, APAC, Nokia Siemens Networks).
For a live demonstration of LTE, Nokia Siemens Networks uses a low frequency so as not to disrupt the existing network frequency. Installation of BTS in hotel room that was intentional. This is because officially, the government of Indonesia does not allow LTE performance.
However, in actual conditions, it is placed in an outdoor base stations, exposure to rain and hot sun. This NSN Flexi base stations mentioned eco-friendly, because it does not need to be cooled with air conditioning as the other BTS, but enough to use the cooling fan.
For the first demo, Nils shows four HD video preview is presented in parallel in a single HDTV display. After the chosen one to play 720p HD video directly from the source. Video flowed very smoothly, without any pause. Velocity was recorded 10.63 MB / s /. These LTE test for latency range 15-20 ms, compared with HSPA which requires 60ms.
In the second demonstration, showed how quickly the size of an HD video downloaded 600MB in WMW format. Using a Class 1 device (with a speed of 100MB / s), the video is completely downloaded in just one minute 10 seconds, much faster than if using the existing HSPA technology. Next show how the 3D view of the video to flow smoothly on the HDTV (viewed with the aid of 3D glasses).
The third demonstration involves a voice call using the device (mobile phone) is there. This was successfully accomplished, although there was delay while the demo.
Peragaam fourth is the most compelling: Wii online gaming. Demonstrated how users play games online tennis against Sharapova in a smooth (and fast). Downlink speeds of 27MBps this time recorded.
In addition to the fourth demonstration, shown also how the handover (transition) from one BTS to another BTS place without menginginterupsi HD video clip being played.
Then when we can enjoy LTE? The answer depends on the readiness of operators and also the approval of the regulator (government). According to Nils, around the world have 64 networks in 31 countries who expressed their commitment to roll out LTE. "Up to 22 LTE network is expected to unfold in late 2010, including Indonesia," said Nils. From the side of the device, according to Nils, the chipset from the vendor (includes dongle) will be available starting mid-year 2010.
Now we wait for the announcement of our telecommunications operators. For in this demo event, separately NSN also invited six GSM operators, including Telkomsel, Axis and Hutchinson.